It is interesting and significant to note the prevalence of ad hoc coalitions of small states -- formerly vassals of larger states -- in the Aegean from circa 1250 to 1175 B.C. While Amenophis III and Ramesses II encountered individual groups the breakup of the Mycenean Age forced communities to come together on a temporary basis. For the period in question we can cite the following temporary "confederacies": the twenty-two nation "Bund" under the leadership of Troy which faced Tudkhaliyas IV; the federation under the direction of Kos which joined the Libyans against Merenptah; the Greek confederacy against Troy; the alliance of the Qayqisha and the Saii with the Libyans against Ramesses III; and the grand alliance under the leadership of the Peleset against Egypt. It is surprising how many of these seem to have been initiated by communities in the region of Caria and Lycia ...