Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Ancient Abydos (Abdjou) [This]
NOTE: Naqada III is often referred to as Dynasty 0 or Protodynastic Period to reflect the presence of kings at the head of influential states although the kings involved would not have been a part of a dynasty. They would more probably have been completely unrelated and very possibly in competition with each other ... Modern visitors to the beautifully decorated temples at Abydos reenact the pilgrimage to this sacred place once made by many ancient Egyptians to fulfill their religious obligations in much the same way that Jerusalem has attracted worshipers of many faiths for the past two millennia. For more than 3,000 years Abydos was revered as a holy center where pharaohs and commoners participated in festivals and processions in honor of the gods, especially Osiris, ruler of the Egyptian underworld. Those who could afford it memorialized their visit to Abydos, building a permanent monument in stone or brick to house a carved stone stela depicting themselves and their families. This was their way of ensuring permanent participation in the sacred rituals of the town (*) ... |