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THE SUEZ CANAL The first attempt at a canal to unite the Mediterranean with the Red Sea dates from King Seti I fourteen hundred years before our era. Starting from the Nile near BUBASTIS (at present Zagazig) the canal followed the land of Goschen as far as the Bitter Lakes. Some three hundred and twenty-six years before our era Necho took up the subject, having conceived the project of a canal of ten metres depth, and sufficiently wide to allow two triremes to pass each other abreast. ![]()
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A Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine
New Evidence from Egypt on the Location of the Exodus Sea Crossing: Part I Written by Gary Byers in ASSOCIATES FOR BIBLICAL RESEARCH (19 August 2008) For millennia man has desired to impact the Suez Isthmus region but with minimal success. Ancient Egyptian texts and modern geological surveys have identified ancient canal lines cut between the marshy lakes of antiquity, called the Eastern Frontier Canal by their discoverers (Hoffmeier 2005: 42). Long before the Suez Canal both native and foreign rulers cut canals through the Isthmus for a variety of reasons. Ancient documents mention canal construction by Pharaohs Sesostris I or III (12th Dynasty) -- Necho II (610-595 BC) and the Persian king Darius (522-486 BC) as well as Ptolemy II (282-246 BC) (Hoffmeier 1997: 165, 169).
Tue Sep 5 1865 The Morning Post (London England)