Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Ancient Hawar (Humeima) [Humayma]
Ancient Hawar was a small trading post and caravan way-station in Edom. It was founded by the Nabatean King Aretas III (87-52 BC) probably to serve as a centre for sedentarization of the nomadic Nabatean pastoralists who occupied the area. In 106 AD the Nabatean Kingdom became the Roman Province of Arabia and shortly thereafter a 500 person Roman fort was built at Hawar. The modest settlement prospered into the Byzantine period as indicated by the 5-6 churches identified on the site ...
The Humeima Excavation Project: Preliminary Report of the 1991 Season
The Humeima Excavation Project: Preliminary Report of the 1991-1992 Seasons
The Humeima Excavation Project: Preliminary Report of the 1992 Season
Preliminary Report of the Humayma Excavation Project 1993
Preliminary Report of the Humayma Excavation Project 1995 1996 1998 |