Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Gebel (Jebel) Silsila (Silsileh) [Mountain of the Chain]
Gebel el-Silsila (Sisileh): A range of sandstone hills 70 kilometres north of Aswan through which the Nile [River] has cut its course. There are extensive sandstone quarries -- especially on the east bank -- mainly of the New Kingdom onwards. Situated on the west bank are 33 cenotaphs (rock chapels) of the 18th Dynasty and the rock temple of Horemheb. The latter has a facade of four pillars -- a transverse hall and a sanctuary with seven rock-carved cult images. 450 metres to the north lie the unexplored remains of another temple of Horemheb which has a number of granite columns (The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian Architecture). |