Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Ancient Larsa (Senkereh)
El'lasar: the oak or heap of Assyria, a territory in Asia of which Arioch was King. It is supposed that the old Chaldean town of Larsa was the metropolis of this kingdom, situated nearly halfway between Ur and Erech on the left bank of the Euphrates. This town is represented by the mounds of Senkereh, a little to the east of Erech (1). Larsa lies approximately 20 km south-west of Uruk. Although some evidence suggests the site was occupied during the Ubaid Period, the earliest excavated phases are the Early Dynastic Period (circa 2900-2350 BC). In the early second millennium BC the city rose to political prominence and it remained a major settlement until the Parthian period. Excavations have concentrated on the E-Babbar temple and ziggurat. Several large houses of the Old Babylonian period were also uncovered (2).
(1) Illustrated Bible Dictionary, and Treasury of Biblical History, Biography, Geography, Doctrine, and Literature by Matthew George Easton (1894)
(2) Tell Senkereh (Larsa) British Museum Iraq Project (2008)