Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online)
ProofRead and Updated February 14th 2020
Corroboration of C-14 Chronology With Calibration Curves .....
Proto-Neolithic and Neolithic Cultures in the Middle East With the further development of calibration curves all dates from the Proto-Neolithic and Neolithic cultures can now be calibrated. A total of 1300 C-14 dates were evaluated -- leading to the selection of 731 reliable dates. The C-14 dates are derived from 160 sites across the Middle East. The period with Proto-Neolithic Cultures began around 12500 calibrated BC and lasted for more than 4000 years until circa 8400 calibrated BC. The advent of the true Neolithic in the Near East -- with agriculture and livestock breeding -- can reasonably be dated a little before 8000 calibrated BC; or more correctly between 8300 and 8000 calibrated BC during a phase that is called Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) in the Levant ...