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Neolithic Tabbat Hammam

Selected Excerpt on Tabbat Hammam

The Neolithic of the Levant (1978)
A.M.T. Moore (Oxford University)

Chapter 5: Neolithic 3 Tabbat Hammam (Pages 340-343)

The site of Tabbat Hammam lies about 45 kilometres north of Tripoli on the Syrian coast. It was test-excavated during the early summer of 1938 by Robert and Linda Braidwood of the Oriental Institute. It is characterized by a dark-faced burnished ware (85) or DFBW well known from Syro-Cilicia. Cord-marked ware (55) was also present in the ceramic in quantity .....

The basal or bedrock layer -- I-1 from Trench TT-1 -- was about 50 centimetres thick and the undisturbed area amounted to about 22 square metres. This level was ascribed with the names Pre-Halaf or essential Syro-Cilician.

Braidwood had defined this Syro-Cilician area co-tradition (coastal Lebanon / Syria / Cilicia in Turkey) as an assemblage in its own right of artifacts based largely on similarities of pottery and also chipped and ground stone. It is clear that the Hammam ceramic DFBW material is in some way related to the Mersin - Tarsus - Judaidah assemblages which appear to be nearly identical at the lowest levels .....

The chipped stone industry is characterized by a blade and flake industry with numerous (111) unretouched and (55) retouched specimens. It featured also well made sickles (53) - Burins (16) - fine bifacially worked projectile points (12) and scrapers (10) .....

* A Reanalysis of Basal Tabbat Hammam in Syria
F. Hole (1959) Volume 36 (Pages 149-183) Syria
Library of Congress # DS 94.5 S8

KEYWORDS: Tabbat Hammam, Syro-Cilician, dark-faced burnished ware

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