Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Neolithic Tell Abu Suwwan Updated April 18th 2019 Tell Abu Suwwan: A Neolithic Site in Jordan: Preliminary Report on the 2005 and 2006 Field Seasons by Maysoon Al Nahar in the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (February 2010) Pages 1-18
Abstract: Tell Abu Suwwan is the only Neolithic site excavated north of the Zarqa River in Jordan. Its architectural characteristics and the diagnostic lithic artifacts discovered at the site during the University of Jordan 2005 and 2006 field seasons suggest that the site was occupied continually from the Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic Phase B (MPPNB) to the Yarmoukian (Pottery Neolithic) period. The site was divided by the excavator into two areas -- A and B. Area A yielded a few walls -- plaster floors and orange clay. Area B yielded a large square or rectangular building with three clear types of plaster floors and an orange clay area. Both Areas A and B include numerous lithics -- bones and some small finds. Based on a recent survey outward from the excavated area the probable size of Abu Suwwan is 10.5 hectares (26 acres) and it contains complex architecture with a long chronological sequence. These attributes suggest that Tell Abu Suwwan is one of the Jordanian Neolithic megasites. |