Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online)
The Neolithic of the Levant (1978)
Chapter 5: Neolithic 3 North Palestine (Pages 368 - 380) <
Pre-History and Archaeology Glossary
Excerpts and Definitions and Addendums The site of Neolithic 3 Wadi Yabis is beside a spring on the west side of the road from Deir Alla to Khirbet Shuneh in the Jordan Valley. It was discovered when a cistern was made and all the material recovered came from this pit. No pottery was noticed but a number of flint and ground stone artifacts were recovered. The most diagnostic flints were denticulated - segmented sickle blades and a pressure-flaked tanged arrowhead though long nibbled blades - a burin on a a blade and several flake scrapers were also found. Most of the ground stone tools were made of basalt and the remainder of limestone. Among these were several hammers and pestles - a ring which may have been a weight and an axe with a stright edge and rounded butt. The sickle blades indicate that the site was occupied in phase 1 but the arrowhead and nibbled blades taken together with the absence of pottery suggest that the site was occupied at the beginning of this phase - that is early in Neolithic 3. The ground stone tools would also fit such a context ... |