Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Wadi Thamad -- Khirbet Mudayna Wadi Thamad flows southwest into the Wadi Mujib just north of its confluence with the Dead Sea. A series of fortified sites along the Wadi Thamad may indicate the northern frontier between the Moabites and the Israelites - who had conquered part of Moab in the 9th century BC. Excavation at Khirbet Mudayna is designed to explore the Iron Age tell (mound) and the Nabataean/Early Roman Period settlement at its foot. The site is located along the Wadi Thamad about 40 kilometers south of Amman not far from the town of Jiza ... Regional Survey: ..... This survey was undertaken to understand better the distribution of sites and their settlement patterns along the Wadi Thamad and Wadi Shabik. So far more than 70 sites have been located. Most of these sites belong to one of the two periods also attested at Mudayna: Iron Age II or Nabataean. The Iron Age settlements are usually watch towers or agricultural installations. The abundance of strategically located Iron Age II towers suggests that this area was at the border between Moab and Ammon. The Nabataean sites are mostly farming settlements (*) ... |