Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Ancient Tall-e Bakun Tall-e Bakun is the twin site of Tall-i Bakun and is located in Fars Province near Persepolis. Bakun has played a prominent role in the understanding of the prehistory of Fars partly because it was the first large-scale excavation of a prehistoric mound there and primarily for the richness of its finds ... This tell consists of two sites differentiated as Bakun A and Bakun B; the latter being earlier. Tall-e Bakun B (circa 5000-4200 BC) was first excavated in 1932. It consists of two distinct cultural deposits; the lower deposit or Bakun BI contained only layers of ash and debris with a coarse red ware and the upper one or Bakun BII also did not contain architecture but yielded painted pottery. The first season of excavations at Bakun A (circa 4000-3500 BC) was also in 1932. Four occupational levels were reported -- Level I being the lowest and Level III being the best preserved and most extensively excavated. Level III contained a complex of buildings consisting of rectangular houses and warehouses with common walls. The buildings of Level III suggest a planned architectural layout. This level also produced most of the artifactual material including the clay sealings which are primary indicators of ancient administrative technology ... The Tall-E Bakun Project © 2014 The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago |