Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Ancient Gezer ProofRead and Updated March 3rd 2020
An important Palestinian site north west of Jerusalem. The site was occupied from the Chalcolithic (5th millennium BC) to the Hellenistic period and perhaps as late as Byzantine times. The first fortified town belonged to the Middle Bronze Age (early 2nd millennium BC). Gezer was destroyed early in the 15th century BC perhaps by Thutmes III but there were later important phases of occupation in the Late Bronze Age and in the Philistine Period. In the Solomonic Period the site had a splendid gateway like those at Megiddo and Hazor. Succeeding levels show a decline with destruction attributed to Assyrians and later Babylonians. The city became important again in the Hellenistic period (AHSFC) ...
The Excavation Of Gezer: Volume I 1902 -- 1905 And 1907 -- 1909 by Stewart Macalister (1912)
The Excavation Of Gezer: Volume II 1902 -- 1905 And 1907 -- 1909 by Stewart Macalister (1912)
The Excavation Of Gezer: Volume III 1902 -- 1905 And 1907 -- 1909 by Stewart Macalister (1912)
Gezer in the Tell el-Amarna Letters by James Ross in the Biblical Archaeologist (1967)
Bible side-lights from the Mound of Gezer: a record of excavation and discovery in Palestine
Gezer in WikiPedia