Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online) Ancient Near East Un-Numbered Excerpts
RadioCarbon.html Addendum on Carbon-14 Dating
The History of the Ancient Near East Electronic Compendium
Dictionary.html Pre-History and Archaeology Glossary 42-3.html Sumer Page Excerpt From Babylon by John Oates Gerzean-1 Gerzean Culture (Naqada II Phase) Excerpt (Quartz Hill School of Theology) Gerzean-2 Gerzean Period or Naqada II Phase Excerpt (Tour Egypt) HalafOutline Halaf Period (5500-4700 BC) by Dr. Bruce Owen at Sonoma State HassunaOutline Hassuna (6000-5250 BC) by Dr. Bruce Owen at Sonoma State SamarranOutline Samarran Culture (5500 BC-4800 BC) by Dr. Bruce Owen at Sonoma State WadiYabisOxford Wadi Yabis (The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East) Wadi Yabis (The Neolithic of the Levant)