Other Archaeological Sites / The Neolithic of the Levant (500 Page Book Online)
The Uruk Expansion: Cross Cultural Exchange in Early Mesopotamian Civilization
Excerpts and Definitions and Addendums: ProofRead and Updated May 29th 2019
Tell Brak is well situated to control overland north-south traffic from the Euphrates alongside the Khabur. Of equal importance however, it lies at the juncture of the Jaghjagh and an important classical route that crosses the Euphrates at either Zeugma or Carchemish and cuts across Ras al-Ayn before heading towards the Tigris via the Jebel Sinjar [Mountains] ... Although some [sites] such as Brak and Nineveh could have and most probably did tap into the considerable agricultural potential of their surroundings, the scattered distribution of the enclaves as a whole is an indication that neither the control of broad expanses of territory nor the efficient large-scale exploitation of local agricultural resources was a primary consideration. The Akkadian-period evidence from the periphery includes the massive Naram-Sin "palace" at Tell Brak ... The ceramics and other small finds from Akkadian levels at Tell Brak itself have very few parallels in southern Mesopotamia: the pottery from the levels contemporary with the Naram-Sin palace retrieved in the recent excavations by David and Joan Oates is almost completely of local origin and varies only slightly from the assemblage of the preceding "Late Early Dynastic III" phase (Joan Oates 1982). We need to ask therefore why the Uruk case differed from succeeding expansions and what this difference signifies. Also I feel it is too soon to pronounce Brak or Nineveh to have been southern enclaves or colonies along the lines of Habuba Kabira; Brak has yielded a good deal of local Uruk material culture as well as southern ...
Excavations at Brak and Chagar Bazar by Mallowan in Iraq (1947)
Tell Brak: Uruk Pottery from the 1984 Season by Joan Oates in Iraq (1985)
Recent excavations in northern Mesopotamia: Tell el Rimah and Tell Brak in the Bulletin of the Society for Mesopotamian Studies by Oates [D] 1982:144:7-23
The chronology of settlement in northeastern Syria during the fourth and third millennia B.C. in the light of ceramic evidence from Tell Brak by K. J. Fielden --- PhD dissertation at Oxford University (1981)